Help us create this book…
We are planning to have 35 pages with text each accompanied by an illustration. Please sign up for the text of your choice. Below is a link to the Text Map (like a Multi-Animator-Project but a Multi-Artist-Project :). You may submit art for more than one text. ALL appropriate art submitted will be featured in the book, with or without text.
Please note, this Text Map is NOT where you will submit your art. That is a separate form located in step 2.
We also invite EVERYONE to submit a png of their Fursona for Text #35. The last page of text will be featuring all submitted Fursonas as one big happy family :)
Submissions Estimated Deadline: August 15, 2025
Create your one of a kind art! Each page of text (except for Text #35) will be formatted as square images like in the example below.
Art specifications for Text:
-300 DPI resolution
-Formatted as a SQUARE image
-Visually interesting and furry related
-Please use YOUR OWN original characters for your illustration
-ART FOR GENERAL AUDIENCE (this is a family friendly book :)
Art specifications for Text #35:
-transparent PNG image of YOUR Fursona
-avoid ‘ref-sheet’ posing, draw your fursona in a natural pose
-can be either flat colored or rendered
Please note that this will be a donation of your art. Partial proceeds of the sale of this book will go to a wonderful no kill animal shelter located in Northern Virginia. We hope that you will take this wonderful opportunity to collaborate with us!
Your art will be credited to you. Please indicate in the submission form how you would like your name to appear in the illustration credits.
Step 1. Sign up on Text Map (Illustration and/or fursona for Text #35)
Step 2. Create and Submit Art
Step 3. Look forward to being a part of a really cool book!
Side note…
This book is a work in progress. The goal will be to gather the art, assemble the book and publish it by the end of the year (2025). This is not a guarantee, just a goal. Thank you again for your interest and excitement in this one of a kind project!